INTP Flirting & Dating: How To Attract An INTP
Ultimately the INTP doesn’t do well wasting their time on social interactions, which won’t yield something real and lasting. Now you understand how sharing more of yourself and actively trying to open yourself to your date’s feelings are the keys to successfully dating when you’re a logical, creative INTP type. You immediately turn off from people who assume they know all the facts about a situation when usually they know none of them.
INTP and INFP Relationships: Compatibility, Love, and Friendship
They’re constantly taking in information from all angles by reading books, watching documentaries or thinking through their own problems. This information is then processed by the INTP to try and solve any issues that may come up by applying what they’ve learned to the situation at hand! This constant endeavor for knowledge makes an INTP one of the smartest personality types around. Once you’ve signed up on dating an INTP, you can join them in their pursuit of knowledge or just let them be themselves as long as it would do them good.
We physically can’t stand small talk
Overall, it’s not so much permission, but I sense that when someone doesn’t even ask me about who I am as a person, that would equate to disinterest? I have never dated anyone who doesn’t ask questions to get to know me…so that’s where the issue lied. As parents, INTPs encourage competence and independent problem solving. They often do not tune in easily to their children’s feelings, but will enthusiastically help them to reason out a complex dilemma. People of the following types are likely to strike the INTP as similar in character, but with some key differences which may make them seem especially intriguing. The INTP may find people of these types particularly interesting and attractive to get to know.
We’re definitely not playing you, or avoiding intimacy altogether. It may take years for us to become completely comfortable around anyone. Give your INTP partner time to explore their own interests. You may find that the INTP’s need for space and personal time allows you some freedom to cultivate your own hobbies or spend time with friends. Experts have also explained that the INTP personality can have difficulty trusting. This means that at the start of a relationship, when they are building trust, they may question their partners or analyze situations looking for deeper meaning.
Still, these types can work well together, especially when they’re analyzing complex systems. Both tend to respect each other’s competence and objective outlook, and neither is too uptight about the specifics as long as the work gets done properly. INTPs and ESTPs can make an excellent team when they’re tackling logical problem-solving together.
I’m not a fan of the fake emotions used as social currency though. I also fancy that I understand my own emotions quite well. True, I probably do analyze them and try to make sense of them, but I don’t invalidate them. I would say the behavior of being puzzled by others’ emotional responses and detaching from and invalidating my own emotion is stuff I grew out of by my teens. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman, but I also simply don’t think that INTPs must be emotionally dense. That’s more of a misunderstanding of Thinking vs Feeling.
INTP Best Match
Since INTPs value brainpower and independence the highest, they guide their children to pursue knowledge, to think independently, ask questions, and never settle with mediocrity. As their children grow, INTPs are likely to respect their personal attitudes and preferences even if that means going against INTPs’ inclinations. However, when they love, their emotions are child-like, pure, and genuine. If they have found the ‘perfect’ partner, INTPs will show great enthusiasm for spending quality time together and please their partner the best way they could. INTPs are faithful partners who show no interest in cheating or finding an alternative option while dating someone else.
They want to make the right choice but when you have so much information it’s hard to know what the best path is. When an INTP has finally made up their mind they’re very unlikely to change it which can frustrate those around them who are used to making more impulsive decisions on the spur of the moment! It’s also likely that this hyper-rational way of thinking will extend into other areas of their life.
They are likely to listen well to each other’s take on a problem and derive inspiration from their varying perspectives. Autonomy is extremely important for them, and they have an entrepreneurial streak, ideally working on projects where they can keep pushing boundaries. However, INTPs favor taking an objective stance, preferring to make decisions based on hard facts. It’s hard for these two types to fully comprehend this difference in their preferences, which in turn can lead to conflict in the workplace.
We may have the reputation for being relationship-shy and emotionally indifferent but actually, INTPs take their relationships very seriously. It’s just that we prefer long-term, monogamous relationships masquerading as a friendship over the flashy types of romance that other types may prefer. When an INTP dating partner develops a love ALT contact number for someone, this passion can transfer into the relationship. The insensitive and impatient “Craftsman” personality type struggles to refrain from reacting when someone angers them. The ISTP doesn’t enjoy talking about feelings or emotions, and they’ll feel attacked if someone tries to make them have a heart-to-heart about something.
When productivity is paramount, for example, in school or at work, your lack of follow through can come across as careless and spacey. INTPs are likely to trust each other, as it’s easier to empathize with like personalities. However, they may feel awkward initially around INTPs they don’t know, as they are generally uncomfortable around new people. Once they get to know each other, INTPs are likely to appreciate having someone around who thinks and processes similarly. INTPs are usually very adaptable individuals who can function quite well in different situations. They like to explore new ideas and find happiness wherever it is to be found.
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